Please find the RESOURCE topics below for additional information on what we feel is important in the general sense as it relates to our products.
At the bottom, under “Beyond Resources”, you will find additional information we have developed that we think you will find interesting, some of which will give an insight into some of our other passions and foci.
Click the links for more information, and if you have any additional questions, please let us know.
Sustainable Materials ‘team’

Acclimating Guide

Installation Guides

Product Certifications


Beyond Resources….Indepth Education
Acoustic Education

In-depth analysis of Acoustics and Sound (10 Modules). Covers everything from the basic and mundane, to site specific suggestions based on application type. (Redirect to:
Cork Materials

The beauty of ‘CORK’ is analyzed, dissected, and otherwise broken down – from assessing attributes, to processing, to manufacturing techniques and trending innovations – access the awe of cork.